Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus' Last Week: Friday

It’s Friday!  
So much has happened since Thursday evening. Jesus was betrayed and taken into custody. He endured a series of 6 trials! The first trial was before the High priest Annas (seeking a reason to accuse Him). The second was before the Sanhedrin, where He was condemned. The third trial was at dawn, where Peter denied him the third time. From there He was taken to the Romans. 

His fourth trial was before Pilate. His fifth trial was before Herod the king. He was once again taken to Pilate.
At this 6th trial, Jesus was scourged, mocked, beaten, and turned over to be crucified.  In other words, Jesus was sentenced to capital punishment – death on a cross. They spit on Him, torment Him, insult Him, place a crown of thorns upon His head and lead Him out toward Golgotha.
Judas hangs himself early this morning
All of this before 9:00 am.

At Golgotha, He is hoisted up on a wooden cross, hands and feet nailed down. He is placed in between to thieves (on their own crosses). An inscription is written above His head “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (Jn.19:19). They gamble for His garments (Jn. 19:24). He places His mom into the care of John (Jn. 19:26-27). He tells them “I thirst!” (Jn.19:28). They stick a sponge with sour wine into His mouth…He says…”It is finished!” (Jn.19:30).
           He bows His head, gives up His spirit… It is about 3pm

Ok, a flurry of activities must begin because the Sabbath is fast approaching. Jews would not allow a dead person to stay overnight exposed (Jn. 19:31). Why? This would cause the curse of God to come upon them and desecrate the land. Ok, of all the things to be worried about, when you just conspired to kill God’s Son. You are already cursed!!!!!!

Normally, the soldiers would use a mallet and break the legs of the victim. In Jesus’ case, He was already dead. So they just pierce Him in His side (to verify). Blood and water gushes out of His side (Jn. 19:34-37). By His wounds/stripes we are healed (Isa. 53:5).

Who comes to His rescue? Nicodemus. Remember him? He became what I call an undercover convert. He teamed up with Joseph (a rich man, with his own gravesite ready to go). It was imperative that the King of Kings be buried in His own tomb (at least he ought to have been given that courtesy…creator of the earth; cf. Jn. 19:41). They embalm Jesus’ body with about 100lbs of a mixture of spices. His very faithful women disciples followed (closely behind) after the men so that they could identify his tomb. They had their own plans, but it was also essential that they be eyewitnesses of these events (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 
Jesus was laid in the tomb…..all done before 6pm….It’s Friday.

Written by Kevin A. Hall

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