Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Jesus' last Week (Day 4 Wednesday)

WEDNESDAY is said to have been a quiet day (in terms of Jesus’ activities). But behind the scenes, the enemy was busy working to defeat Jesus. Judas is making final preparations to betray his master. Jesus and His disciples are keeping low in Bethany.

Bethany: You don’t hear too much about Bethany, but this town holds major biblical significance. It is located two miles east of Jerusalem (Jn. 11:18). How long does it take you to walk two miles?
Bethany was the hometown on Jesus’ friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It is where they prepared for Palm Sunday activities, and the site of the cursed fig tree (Mk. 11:11-13). Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with oil here (Mat. 26:6-13). It is the site of Jesus’ ascension (the Mount of Olives, cf. Lk. 24:50), and the designated point of Jesus’ next return (Zech. 14:4; Rev. 19:11-16).


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