Sunday, April 26, 2020

Isaiah 61 & 62: The Lord Loves Justice

Isaiah! Appointed by God to deliver words of confrontation and confirmation to a (seemingly) disparaged nation. They say you cannot separate a man from his message…Isaiah’s name truly sums up his message. His name means “The Lord is Salvation.” He was one of the most quoted prophets in the Bible (65 times in the New Testament). He was born to a well-off family (Isa. 7:3;8:2), married, and had two sons. He grew up in Jerusalem and responded to the call of God to ministry “in the year king Uzziah died” (Isa. 6:1; ca. 739 BC).

It is important to note the times in which Isaiah delivered his messages in the texts of our concern (chaps. 61-62). These two chapters declare (1) the good news of salvation – messianic allusions, and (2) salvation and justice/judgment for God’s people and nation. It was during the time of the divided kingdom (Judah to the south and Israel to the north). There were rampant idolatry and ritualism. Judah had not yet fallen in captivity to the Babylonians as King Hezekiah still had control and a prosperous reign (715-686 BC). Recall Hezekiah appealing to God for his life because of an illness (2 Kn. 20; Isa. 38)? Eventually, the nation would fall into captivity, with Isaiah as God’s voice (one of) to proclaim messages of judgment upon their captors, comfort to a people now Babylonian exiles, and declarations of future glory. Keep in mind, these were difficult times. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sunday School Materials Order Guide - BTCC/P.A. of W. 2020-2021

Leaders!!!! The time is now. Given current uncertainties and the anticipated rush to purchase Sunday School materials, we encourage you to place your orders ASAP.  We have provided a convenient alternative to getting your material.

Here's how:

1. Look at the list below (notice the price)
2. Determine how many of each item you'll need based on your congregation
3. Calculate the cost (that's your budget)
4.  Touch bases with the national superintendent

This is Apostolic Way material broken down into an age-appropriate level to facilitate a more relevant and student-centered experience.  

Teacher's Manual and Student's Manual  @ $5

Preschool 2 - 5

Primary  6 - 8

Juniors  9-11

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Jesus' Last Week: Saturday! Is it all over? Has the Devil won the fight?

It’s Saturday! It’s the Sabbath. This will be a day of rest for the Jewish people. What was God’s command to His people about the Sabbath?
                Exod. 20: 8 “Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy. 9 You have six days in which to do your work, 10 but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to me. On that day no one is to work—neither you, your children, your slaves, your animals, nor the foreigners who live in your country. 11 In six days I, the LORD, made the earth, the sky, the seas, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested. That is why I, the LORD, blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.
And, so Jesus rested on the Sabbath anticipating the next move. A move He alluded to in His exchanges:

Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus' Last Week: Friday

It’s Friday!  
So much has happened since Thursday evening. Jesus was betrayed and taken into custody. He endured a series of 6 trials! The first trial was before the High priest Annas (seeking a reason to accuse Him). The second was before the Sanhedrin, where He was condemned. The third trial was at dawn, where Peter denied him the third time. From there He was taken to the Romans. 

His fourth trial was before Pilate. His fifth trial was before Herod the king. He was once again taken to Pilate.
At this 6th trial, Jesus was scourged, mocked, beaten, and turned over to be crucified.  In other words, Jesus was sentenced to capital punishment – death on a cross. They spit on Him, torment Him, insult Him, place a crown of thorns upon His head and lead Him out toward Golgotha.
Judas hangs himself early this morning
All of this before 9:00 am.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Jesus' Final Week: Thursday

It’s Thursday. Tomorrow, they will kill Jesus. How does Jesus and His followers spend the day?
Well, it was a long day, to say the least. Peter and John are tasked with getting ready for the Passover meal (Mk. 14:13). Would you have liked that job?

Just imagine the pressure of knowing the show is about to start, last-minute details...this is it! Three years of toil. It comes down to this last night before the curtains open. They are gathered for their last meal. Jesus sets the model for servant leadership at the gathering. Remember? 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Jesus' last Week (Day 4 Wednesday)

WEDNESDAY is said to have been a quiet day (in terms of Jesus’ activities). But behind the scenes, the enemy was busy working to defeat Jesus. Judas is making final preparations to betray his master. Jesus and His disciples are keeping low in Bethany.

Bethany: You don’t hear too much about Bethany, but this town holds major biblical significance. It is located two miles east of Jerusalem (Jn. 11:18). How long does it take you to walk two miles?
Bethany was the hometown on Jesus’ friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It is where they prepared for Palm Sunday activities, and the site of the cursed fig tree (Mk. 11:11-13). Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with oil here (Mat. 26:6-13). It is the site of Jesus’ ascension (the Mount of Olives, cf. Lk. 24:50), and the designated point of Jesus’ next return (Zech. 14:4; Rev. 19:11-16).

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jesus' Last Week: Day 3 (Tuesday)

How much do you know about Jesus' last days? Here's a summary of day 3 (Tuesday):
  • Matthew 21: 23-65
  • Mark 11:27 - 14:2
  • Luke 20:1 - 22:2
  • John 12:37-50

He and His disciples pass the fig tree that was cursed the day before and discuss the issue of faith (Mat. 21:19-21).

Jesus returns to Jerusalem and spends time in the temple teaching and pronouncing judgment upon His enemies. Yesterday, he "cleansed the temple." Today the religious leaders are organizing an ambush for his arrest. This would be a day of confrontation. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Easter 2020 Outline Sunday School

Easter Presentation 2020

Teachers & Students ...Please select from any number of the following Bible Texts and creatively submit them in an audio or video format by Friday.

His birth and ministry was predicted
·         Isa. 9:6-7      Handel’s Messiah

Then, a prophesied in the City of David, the God-child was born:
·         Luke 2:7  She gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger—there was no room for them to stay in the inn.

Great Expectations song
The King is Come (Messiah)

Join Us For Sunday School Online - Beginning Easter 2020 (April 12).

Sunday School Sign-Up Drive

Welcome!!! We believe this is an innovative way to participate in Sunday School from the comfort of your home computer or cellphone.

Quizzes, Bible Studies, Surprises.
There is a class for all age-groups.

What teachers and students should do:
Choose your class, join us online using the link and code provided above.
Teachers, please reach out to your present and prospective students and invite them               
 to join us for Sunday School