Sunday, February 2, 2020

Passing The Tests - The Temptation of Jesus

Sunday School Lesson:                        The   Apostolic  Way

Theme:   Singe – Minded Obedience                          Matthew 4: 1- 11
Unifying Principle : Passing the Tests / Purpose through total obedience

Landing point: Jesus provides us a practical path to triumph over sin/temptation ( repeat this over and over during your lesson)

Context:  The battle over “who is the boss” has been raging since the beginning of time (Gen.3). After failing to usurp authority over God, the deceiver has masterfully sought to enlarge his border and influence (authority) over God’s creation in the earth. His strategy has not changed since his defeat of Adam and Eve. Only, this time he hoped to pull off the ultimate defeat to a God-man who was seemingly at a low point – he was hungry and tired, having fasted for forty days, in a hot, dry desert (Mat.4:1-2). When is the best time to gain one on your enemy? When they are down/weak/exposed.
After being baptized by John the Baptist, and declared “the Son of God,” God led his Son (Jesus) into the hot, dry, dangerous desert region to be tested (cf. Matthew 3). This, after the Markan & Johannine authors’ prelude designed to establish the identity of Jesus as the Son of God in Matthew 1-3/John chapters 1-3. The authors tell us of Jesus’ birth and preparation (Matthew 1—3/Jn.1:1-2:10), then of the beginning of his ministry (Jn.2:11-12:50). Within this context, the Holy Spirit saw fit to establish the authority of the One who came to give mankind the power to overcome sin. How best to do that? Prove that He will not give-in-to-sin, as He will be the One to take on the sins of the entire world and provide an eschatological hope for all who have sinned (Jn.1:29; Rom.3:23)

             Three areas of testing:
1.       Test #1 : Physical & Psychological Satisfaction – Doubting God (Mat.4:1-4)
2.       Test #2:  Possessions and Power – Trusting God (Mat.4:5-7)
3.       Test #3:  Pride – Take the shortcut (Mat.4:8-10)
Jesus as the model – work through the process! Tests and temptation will come

Test #1 – Flesh/Physical & Psychological Satisfaction
These series of tests were intense as this was the battle to establish authority and dominion. Who is in control here? As the divine Son of God, “He could not give in to the tests and sin, but He had to endure until the tests were complete”[1]
                Single-minded obedience (We overcome with the Helper who resides within – Jn.14:16)

Strategy – Plants seeds of Doubt:
Notice the use of the word “If” (Mat.4:3). “If you are…” If you are, then do…
Doubting leads to mistrust. Mistrust leads to compromise.
Make the point of how seeds of doubt cause believers to mistrust God’s provision, love, care, power, conversion, ability, and laws.
If God really loved you, then, why are you (here) at this point in your life? Students of all levels can identify with this. Use practical examples.
·         If you are the King, then why did the Father lead you into a dry desert, left you without food and shelter, and for so long? Look at you… Don’t you deserve better? Don’t you deserve (this/that)…? Just this one time, Treat yourself. You are obviously hungry!

Single-minded obedience:
Jesus responds with the Word:    Matthew 4:4. He reminds the enemy of God’s provision given to the Children of Israel in their desert experience (Deut.8:3). His food is God’s Word, that is able to sustain Him. Not bread. “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst” (Jn.6:35). I will not satisfy myself. I will do the will of the Father (Jn.6:38; Mat.6:33).

Test #2      Possessions & Power -  Do you really trust God?

Strategy -  Put God to the Test
Already familiar with the Holy Scriptures, the enemy twists Psalm 91:11-12. Our students need to know the Scriptures for themselves (2 Tim.2:15).
He encouraged Jesus to do something to put God to the test. He said He would….so make God prove Himself. This is the sin of presumption. Jump from this pinnacle (Mat.4:5), the angels will catch you, and you will prove to the who world that you are the Messiah (right now). You do not have to wait for the Cross! (Mat.27:32-56).
·         Our students will be tempted to take the shortcuts in life, and BYPASS God’s plan for them. The plan for Jesus – the way of suffering (Isa.53). Christians are called to experience the same
“Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose” (1 Pet.4:1a).
·         The devil will encourage the believer: Go ahead…take your chances. God will forgive…
·         How far can I go in this sinful, compromising situation? Do not presume on God! (Rom.6:1-2; 23).

Single-minded obedience
Jesus responds with the Word:   “Do not put God to the test” (Mat.4:7).

Test #3   Pride – Take the shortcut
Strategy – To entice with power and materialism
The enemy and deceiver shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world, with the inherent glory (Mat.4:8), and tells Him “All of this can be yours…I can give this to you…all you have to do is…” (Mat.4:9).
Sounds familiar…his strategy never changes. Believers are given the same choice every day. Break this idea down for the different age groups in your church.

·         You can have it all now! Social media is sending the same message to us. Folks are taking the easy way after the discouragement of seeing others with “stuff.”
·         Treat yourself, he says. You deserve this. I will be your friend.
·         The ends justify the means.

Single-minded obedience
Jesus responds with the Word:   For it is written…” (Mat.4:10).   All of the things the devil showed Jesus and told Him He could have was already His (Psa. 2:8)

Declare with our words and actions – We worship and serve God only!
ΓΌ  We can be assured that God will meet the needs of those who honor him through obedience
“Then the devil left Him (Jesus), and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him” (Mat.4:11).

Apostolic Way Applications
·         Aspire  - to obey God as Jesus demonstrated
·         Develop – spiritual habits that can strengthen you in times of temptations
·         Understand – Jesus is our High Priest and can sympathize with our struggles (He endured the tests without sinning). “He stuck to the purpose, remained submitted to the will of the Father.”[2]

 Jesus endured the process through single-minded obedience to the Father's will. We can do the same as believers because the Spirit of God resides within us (Rom.8:9). 

[1] John Walvoord, and Roy Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary, (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook,1983), 26.
[2] The Apostolic Way, (Chicago, Il: UMI/Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, 2019), 232.
John MacArthur, The Temptation of Christ. Retrieved from
Christian Education in The Bahamas. Written by Kevin Hall

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