Thursday, February 27, 2020

March 8th Lesson Supplement: Called To Accountability (Amos 5)

Do justice and love justice and love justice and love kindness!
This, my friends, expresses God’s heart – that we do justice and be kind to each other (Mic.6:8). Imagine a home, a school, a church, a government, a community, a nation where we all lived out that divine command – love, show mercy, be kind. Do you know anyone that professes to be Christian, very religious, yet when dealing with people tend to be mean, unkind, unfair and judgmental? Heavy on the ritual but falling short on practical Christianity. Such were the challenges of the people of 8th century Israel and surrounding communities, the context for this week’s lesson.

Monday, February 24, 2020

March Council Sunday School/ Christian Ed. Workshop

Can you feel the excitement? We'll all be together for the March Council. 
We will be having, at minimum, 8 Classes

A Breakdown of the morning:

Breakfast:            8:00am - 8:50am
Teachers' Prayer: 8:50am - 9:00am
Sunday School:   9:00am - 10:00am
Executive Session: 10:00am - 10:30am
Morning Worship:  11:00am

TEXT: AMOS 5:18-24  "Called to Accountability"

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Sunday School Lesson Supplement: Piety That Honors God/ Religion without Relationship (Mat.6)

Sunday School Lesson       The   Apostolic  Way

Unifying Principle: The Pitfalls of Showing Off

Landing point:………………………Religion without relationship is not God-honoring ( repeat this over and over during your lesson)

Context: It was the onset of Jesus’ ministry. Having established his authority through a series of tests (temptation in the wilderness; cf.Mat.4), Jesus began to teach about His Kingdom. “From that time Jesus began to preach and say “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat.4:17). That message has not changed – Kingdom people, members of Christ’s kingdom are subject to a different order than non-members (followers of this world order whose ruler is the devil). Followers of this world are primarily self-centered. Members of God’s Kingdom are Christ-centered (“we turn our lives over to Christ’s direction and control”).[1] Matthew chapter six is part of Jesus’ teaching on Kingdom living (cf. Mat.4:23-25; Lk.4:42-44; Mk.1:35-39). This account of Christ’s teaching is topical, not chronological. Having introduced His kingdom agenda in the Sermon on the Mount over a series of days, Jesus addressed the Kingdom position on the Law, being salt and light, anger, lust, divorce, and retaliation. The focus of our text (6:1-8) is on generosity and prayer (a three-part sermon if you will, which includes fasting).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Our Role As Christian Leaders

The goal of the spiritual leader is to “move people on to God’s agenda.[1] More than just doing ministry, God uses the spiritual leader to accomplish his will; and this he or she will do through the effort of others. It is not about using people to achieve an organizational goal; rather, the goal should be working together for the glory of God.

Sunday School - March 8th Council

It's that time again!! The March Council Sunday School Gathering
Date: Sunday, March 8th
Venue: Transformation Ministries (Dignity Gardens)
Time: 9:00am.   

This year, we will have the privilege of fellowshipping with the International Sunday School Team (ICEA - International Christian Education of the P.A.W.).

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Passing The Tests - The Temptation of Jesus

Sunday School Lesson:                        The   Apostolic  Way

Theme:   Singe – Minded Obedience                          Matthew 4: 1- 11
Unifying Principle : Passing the Tests / Purpose through total obedience

Landing point: Jesus provides us a practical path to triumph over sin/temptation ( repeat this over and over during your lesson)

Context:  The battle over “who is the boss” has been raging since the beginning of time (Gen.3). After failing to usurp authority over God, the deceiver has masterfully sought to enlarge his border and influence (authority) over God’s creation in the earth. His strategy has not changed since his defeat of Adam and Eve. Only, this time he hoped to pull off the ultimate defeat to a God-man who was seemingly at a low point – he was hungry and tired, having fasted for forty days, in a hot, dry desert (Mat.4:1-2). When is the best time to gain one on your enemy? When they are down/weak/exposed.