Saturday, September 12, 2020




Lesson 3: September 20, 2020 Love versus Guilt Genesis 42:6-25

Some people allow the guilt of the past to poison their present. Is it ever possible to be free from condemnation for past actions? When Joseph saw and remembered his brothers who sold him into Egyptian slavery, he showed compassion while motivating them to recall and take responsibility for their earlier actions.

 Lesson 4: September 27, 2020 God’s Plan Revealed Genesis 45:1-15

 Sometimes one is overwhelmed by tragic events in his or her life. What can keep hope alive after the struggle ends? Joseph tells his brothers what they meant as harm was God’s plan for saving them, a remnant of God’s people

Lesson 5: October 4, 2020 Love and Devotion to Others 1 Samuel 19:1-7

 Although families are important, family dysfunction can skew our priorities and lead us to ruin. Is there a greater priority than family? Jonathan opposed the unjust intentions of his father, King Saul, in order to offer support and protection to David.

Lesson 6: October 11, 2020 Love Your Enemies Luke 6:27-36

 We often wonder how we should treat our enemies. How should we respond to them? Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies by forgiving them, responding to their needs, and by being nonjudgmental.

 Lesson 7: October 18, 2020 Loving Your Neighbor Luke 10:25-37

Selfish desires, self-gratification, and self-interests are highly valued in our time. How can we become better neighbors to one another? Jesus challenges us to address the needs and welfare of everyone, including perceived enemies.